Telecommunications - Panasonic

Building on the success of the KX-TDA100 and 200, Panasonic are proud to announce their new KX-TDA15 system which allows a convergence of technology. Through the bridging of both Telecom and IT networks, this hybrid IP-PBX solution provides a complete communications solution for a variety of applications, helping to improve your productivity, save you money, and integrate your people, your phone system and your IT infrastructure.

KXT-DA - The advanced hybrid IP-PBX solution.

Panasonic KXT-DA 100 Telecommunications Platform

Telephony alone is no longer enough. As the way we do business changes, so the way we communicate with customers - and they communicate with us - is changing too.


IP Enable Your Business

Nowadays, if your business is to be competitive, it needs an up-to-date business communications system that works seamlessly with IT, and combines voice and data in one low-cost, next-generation, hybrid solution.

Panasonic are built on twenty years' of experience, developing business communications technology and the new top of the range hybrid IP PBX from Panasonic is the answer.

Not only does it make you more efficient, it can save you money too. Using the same wide area network (WAN) for voice and data means you can make considerable cost savings over using separate networks.

A sophisticated combination of PBX reliability and IP technology means that the IP-enabled KX-TDA cost effectively bridges the gap between your telecom requirements today and your demand for future integrated solutions.

Just what you would expect from one of the UK's most successful business communication solutions providers.

Complete Communications Solutions

The Panasonic KX-TDA telephone system can provide a complete communications solution for businesses of all kinds, helping to improve your productivity, save you money, and integrate your people, your phone system and your IT infrastructure. The KX-TDA phone system can be installed inside a 19" rack and can be integrated with your existing IT network.

In addition to your telephone system, there is voice processing, Computer Telephony Integration, a Panasonic PC phone and PC operator console. With DECT we can increase the mobility of your workforce. With PanaStat call management software and call logging we can help you to be more efficient. And we offer software packages for a range of applications, from hotel booking systems to solutions for call management and analysis.

So whatever your needs, whatever your business, Panasonic has the answer to bring your office into the digital communications age.

More Handsets = More Choice

Panasonic KXT7636 Handset Panasonic sell more telephone systems in the UK than any other manufacturer. And the new KX-TDA range includes the KXT-DA15, KXT-DA30, KXT-DA100, KXT-DA200 and the KXT-DA600 telephone systems and a wide choice of handsets, with sophisticated features for advanced communications and ease of use.
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